The crisis of violence and abuse of First Peoples with disability must be urgently addressed by an extension of the Disability Royal Commission. “I am very concerned that the full…
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are 14 times more likely to be imprisoned than the non-Indigenous population The disability royal commission needs a dedicated First Nations hearing to…
16 February 2021 Media Release The overrepresentation of First Nations People with cognitive disability in the criminal justice system warrants own Disability Royal Commission Hearing People with cognitive disability…
29 September 2020 FPDN CEO Damian Griffis presented a submission today to the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme inquiry into the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission…
The First Peoples Disability Network has told the Disability Royal Commission that COVID-19 exacerbated already existing issues of food insecurity, poverty and lack of access to services. By Keira Jenkins…
First Peoples Disability Network Australia (FPDN) in partnership with Professor Cameron Stewart, Sydney Health Law, University of Sydney, and Professor Jackie Leach Scully, Disability Innovation Institute UNSW, have outlined necessary…
Here are some of the key concerns about Australia’s implementation of the CRPD that were highlighted by the Committee on the Convention on the Rights of People with Disability, Geneva,…
Click play to listen to the interview or read the full transcript below. An Australian delegation has travelled to Geneva, to highlight concerns about lack of support services for…
An incident involving an Indigenous boy with a disability who was allegedly stripped naked and held in an adult watch house in Queensland is symptomatic of a broader problem, say…
People with disability, and our organisations, today welcome the Federal Government’s release of the Terms of Reference for our Royal Commission into the epidemic of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of people…
People with disability, and our organisations, today welcome the vote in the Australian Parliament about a Royal Commission into the epidemic of violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect against people with…
Prime Minster Scott Morrison handed down the 11th Closing the Gap report this morning in Canberra. Despite repeated advocacy from FPDN and reassurances from the Commonwealth Government, disability continues to be…
[embedyt][/embedyt] FPDN CEO Damian Griffis along with Ruth Barson, Nyadol Nyuon & Hugh de Kretser weigh in on the status and progress of Human Rights today on The Wheeler…
Aunty Bonita Mabo was a true leader and a generous, much loved Elder. Aunty Bonita was known for her determination, commitment and generosity of spirit. She achieved so much and…
"The speakers covered a very diverse range of information and answered many questions I had. Congratulations to the members of First Peoples Disability Network the two days were set up and run wonderfully, very professionally. We need more gatherings to share this information with our mob"
We heard you! FPDN to roll out Building the Aboriginal Disability Service Sector Workshops around the country.
CULTURE IS INCLUSION: Community-control the way forward for Aboriginal disability research Today, First Peoples Disability Network (FPDN) is releasing a landmark report following a two-year community-directed research project, across Australia,…
Pictured: Aunty Gayle Rankine, Chairperson, FPDN (image courtesy Belinda Mason) FPDN’s Jake Briggs was a participant in Belinda Mason’s Unfinished Business Exhibition which was first launched at the United…
People with Disability Australia hosted a side-event at the United Nations in New York as part of Disabled People’s Organisations Australia participation at the Conference of State Parties (COSP)…
Disabled People’s Organisations Australia (DPOA) is participating in the 11th Session of the Conference of States Parties (COSP) to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). FPDN is…
Building Aboriginal disability service sector and workforce development FPDN is hosting a conference in Tamworth, NSW in August. The purpose of the conference is to build the Aboriginal disability service…
VIDEO: Our CEO, Damian Griffis joined leaders from the Redfern Statement group and the disability sector to respond to Budget 2018, handed down last night. The press conference was held…
Our CEO, Damian Griffis was a panellist on the Australian Human Rights Commission’s event to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the commencement of the operation of the Disability Discrimination Act…
On Wednesday 7 June 2017, 15 blind or vision impaired Aboriginal people from across Australia met on Gadigal land in Sydney for the inaugural Aboriginal Blind Persons Gathering….
FPDN’s CEO, Damian Griffis and Research and Policy Director, Scott Avery were featured in a video presentation shown at the Deadly Deaf Mob conference in Western Sydney in 2015. [embedyt]…
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images, voices or names of people who have passed in photographs, film, audio recordings or printed material.
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