FPDN Deputy CEO June Riemer and Associate Professor Karen Soldatic, Western Sydney University, publish Australian Case Study in International Minority Rights report. Minority Rights Group International has launched their…
A range of new accessible, culturally appropriate resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability have been released today by the peak body First Peoples Disability Network. “Our…
The First Peoples Disability Network has told the Disability Royal Commission that COVID-19 exacerbated already existing issues of food insecurity, poverty and lack of access to services. By Keira Jenkins…
Thank you to the Committee for the opportunity to represent the views of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability at today’s hearing. My name is Damian Griffis, I…
First Peoples Disability Network Australia (FPDN) in partnership with Professor Cameron Stewart, Sydney Health Law, University of Sydney, and Professor Jackie Leach Scully, Disability Innovation Institute UNSW, have outlined necessary…
Media release Internationally recognised Australian experts in the areas of human rights, bioethics and disability, have today released a Statement of Concern to emphasise key human rights principles and standards…
14 April 2020 Packages containing essential items like non-perishable foods and hygiene supplies will be provided to remote Aboriginal communities impacted by COVID-19 measures as part of a coordinated assistance…
The following principles and statement to Governments were agreed by the CDPF Executive Committee 30th March 2020 and provided to help ensure disabled people throughout the Commonwealth are not disadvantaged…
With disabled First Nations Peoples having a significantly high risk of serious infection from COVID-19, the First Peoples Disability Network (FPDN) is calling for Federal, State and Territory Governments…
People with disability who receive the Disability Support Pension (DSP) urgently need access to the increased Coronavirus Supplement of $550 per fortnight, consistent with the Jobseeker Payment and other…
The First Peoples Disability Network of Australia calls for more government support to protect vulnerable members of First Nations communities in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic. By Emily Nicol…
First Nations people with disabilities are extremely vulnerable to serious infection from COVID- 19. Federal and State Governments must deliver support to protect First Nations communities especially those with…
People with disability from across Australia are calling for urgent action to make sure we are included in preparations for the current public health emergency. Eight national peak organisations…
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images, voices or names of people who have passed in photographs, film, audio recordings or printed material.
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