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FPDN Response to the Disability Royal Commission’s Final Report 

The Disability Royal Commission’s Final Report has been made public, FPDN want to ensure they provide responses that are well-informed and grounded in factual evidence to address the commission’s recommendations, and to do this it may take us some time.

FPDN will continue to advocate for reform, provide guidance, support and ensure that the voices of First Nations people with disability are given priority. We are actively working on a formal response to the report and recognise this effort signifies the culmination of many years of dedicated advocacy and tremendous community-driven efforts.

The report may contain confronting material and we understand that this can be a tough or confusing time for most of us mob. If you need support, reach out to a 13YARN Crisis Supporter on 13 92 76 or visit

Media Release: Australia’s Disability Representative Organisations Call for Healing

Read More >

What is a Royal Commission?

A Royal Commission is the highest form of public enquiry, independent of government, that looks closely at a widely reported problem or issue impacting on vulnerable groups.

The job of the Royal Commission is to gather stories and evidence from people with disability who are experiencing or have experienced violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation and their witnesses. Royal Commissions make recommendations to government about what should change. The Royal Commission is for all people with disability.

violence abuse neglect and exploitation

 What does Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation mean?

  • Violence  If someone is hurting your body
  • Abuse  If someone is treating you badly
  • Neglect  If someone is not helping you the way they are supposed to help you
  • Exploitation  If someone is taking advantage of you

Who is in charge and makes decisions?

Six Commissioners have been appointed to run the Royal Commission to listen to stories and gather evidence. The Royal Commissioners are not part of the government. Our First Nations Commissioner is Andrea Mason, OAM, a Ngaanyatjarra and Kronie woman from Western Australia. The final report containing 222 recommendations was tabled by government in the Australian Parliament on 29 September 2023.

Any enquiries relating to the Royal Commission should be directed to the Attorney-General’s Department. 

email [email protected]

post Royal Commissions Branch, Attorney-General’s Department at 3-5 National Circuit BARTON 2600 

FPDN Indigenous Advocates

FPDN Indigenous Advocates provide a culturally safe space to have a yarn, and your business will be kept secret.

You can call and FPDN Indigenous Advocate on 02 9267 4195

Or click here to email an FPDN Indigenous Advocate

Trauma and Counselling support services

Blue Knot Foundation Counselling and Referral Support phone 1800 421 468

Beyond Blue Support Service – phone 1300 224 636, webchat or email (24 hours/7 days) for free, immediate, short-term counselling, advice and referral services.

Beyond Blue immediate support

Lifeline Crisis Support – phone 13 11 14 (24 hours/7 days) or chat to a crisis supporter online (7pm – midnight/7 nights). This is a confidential service providing you with support for when you feel overwhelmed, for when you have difficulty coping, or are thinking about suicide.

1800Respect – phone 1800 737 732 Open 24 hours to support people impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence and abuse

Relationships Australia

Disability Royal Commission Counselling Services

To access a Relationships Australia service near you, please find details below:

Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
Relationships Australia Canberra and Region provides services in ACT and surrounding region.
Phone: 02 6122 7100
Email: [email protected]

New South Wales (NSW)
Relationships Australia New South Wales provides services in NSW.
Phone: (02)  9418 8800
Email: [email protected]

Victoria (VIC)
Relationships Australia Victoria provides services in VIC.
Phone: 1 800 317 387
Email: [email protected]

Tasmania (TAS)
Relationships Australia Tasmania provides services in TAS.
Phone: 1300 364 277

South Australia (SA)
Relationships Australia South Australia provides services in SA.
Phone: 1 800 577 571
Email: [email protected]

Western Australia (WA)
Relationships Australia Western Australia provides services in WA.
Phone: 08 6164 0180
Email: [email protected]

Northern Territory (NT)
Relationships Australia Northern Territory provides services in NT.
Darwin: (08) 8923 4999
Alice Springs: (08) 8950 4100
Email: [email protected]

If you have difficulty hearing or speaking

If you find it difficult to hear or speak you can contact us through the National Relay Service (NRS). Please phone 133 677.

Other Languages

If you require support in another language, including Indigenous languages, call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) free of charge on 131 450 and ask to be connected to the National Counselling and Referral Service on 1800 421 468.

‘Respectful Listening’ artwork and animated story by Wiradjuri Artist Uncle Paul Constable Calcott.
© Paul Constable Calcott 2020

‘Respectful Listening’ depicts the story of The Disability Royal Commission, translated into a traditional style of art and symbols used by many of Australia’s First Peoples to share information and stories for thousands of years. This story is made up of seven people who are respected and knowledgeable members of their own communities. These seven people, known as the Commissioners, come from different community groups including Australia’s First People, people living with disability and the LGBTIQ+ community. They are represented in the story using the symbol for Elder to show they are respected members of their own community. These commissioners will travel through many regions and communities over the next three years collecting stories and sharing information, shown as a message stick, from people who may have experienced violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation.

Read the Disability Royal Commission’s Media Release ‘First Nations artist depicts Disability Royal Commission story’ here

I’m in an unsafe situation and I need help: If you are currently experiencing any form of violence or abuse, or are concerned for your safety call Emergency Services on 000
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Something Stronger: Truth-telling on hurt and loss, strength and healing, from First Nations people with disability research report
Dr Scott Avery

Read the report

Something Stronger has also been translated in 3 First Nations languages

Listen in Djambarrpuynu Yolngu Matha:

Listen in Warlpiri:

Listen to in Kimberley Kriol:

The Disability Royal Commission (DRC) held their first hearing specific to First Nations people on Monday, 23 November 2020 to Friday, 27 November 2020 to inquire, gather evidence, and respond to key concerns on the experiences of First Nations people with disability and their families in contact with child protection systems.
FPDN made a video submission to the Royal Commission for this hearing. Click play on the video above to check out our submisson.

News from the Royal Commission

FPDN Response

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picture of fay knitting

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Media Release: Australia’s Disability Representative Organisations Call for Healing

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