Pictured: Aunty Gayle Rankine, Chairperson, FPDN (image courtesy Belinda Mason)
FPDN’s Jake Briggs was a participant in Belinda Mason’s Unfinished Business Exhibition which was first launched at the United Nations in Geneva in 2013.
Since then the series of compelling images has been exhibited in New York, USA and around Australia. FPDN has been a long-term and proud supporter of the exhibition which features many of the leaders of the Aboriginal disability movement in Australia.
The exhibition is on display at the Canberra Museum + Gallery until 23 September 2018.
Jake Briggs was able to attend the Canberra launch on behalf of FPDN and on behalf of our Chairperson, Aunty Gayle Rankine, who was not able to attend.
To find out more about the exhibition and its history, visit unfinishedbusiness.net.au.
Here is a transcript of Jake’s speech to celebrate Unfinished Business and the NAIDOC theme 2018: Because of Her, We Can.
G’Day Folks ,
I’d like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land and pay our respects to Elders, past and present. I’m a proud Wonnarua and Kamilaroi man from the Central Coast of NSW and I’m honoured to share this platform today for the Unfinished Finished Business Exhibition showcasing our most vulnerable Australians in our Nation’s Capital.
Because of her we can, Because of her we can and not just because it’s the theme of NAIDOC week this year it’s so important that our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders women are truly equally recognised and represented amongst the general population and being heard through all mediums of the spoken word, written word, art or photography like this strong lady here Belinda Mason has shown us through the eye of a lens showing our mob with disability and the stories or journeys behind the layered imagery.
One of the many solid strong women I personally know that’s a part of the exhibition is Aunty Gayle Rankine, she is a role model to many including myself representing our mob with disability – nation wide, and also internationally on the United Nations stage voicing for positive change universally.
I hope you enjoy the exhibition, thank you Belinda and thanks everyone.
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