Listen Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are 14 times more likely to be imprisoned than the non-Indigenous population  The disability royal commission needs a dedicated First Nations hearing to investigate the overrepresentation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the criminal justice system, Indigenous leaders say. A public hearing is currently underway examining the experiences of people with cognitive disability in the criminal justice system, and the plight of First Nations people with
News, Royal Commission
Listen16 February 2021 Media Release The overrepresentation of First Nations People with cognitive disability in the criminal justice system warrants own Disability Royal Commission Hearing   People with cognitive disability will share their experiences with the criminal justice system at the Disability Royal Commission hearing in Brisbane starting today. First Peoples Disability Network Australia (FPDN) are calling for the Disability Royal Commission to establish a dedicated First Nations hearing to investigate the overrepresentation and indefinite
News, Royal Commission
ListenFPDN Deputy CEO June Riemer joined 3CR Community Radio this morning to discuss the Disability Royal Commission from a First Nations perspective, focusing on the intersection between disability and child removal. Click play on the audio stream below to listen to the discussion.   Listen to the program on the 3CR website here  
News, Royal Commission
Listen23 November 2020 Media Release First Nations people with disability will tell the Disability Royal Commission this week about the structural violence they experience in the child-protection system around Australia. “We are among the most seriously disadvantaged members of the Australian community, and are also experts on the impact of policies on us,” said Mr Damian Griffis, CEO, First Peoples Disability Network. “This week, a number of First Nations people with disability will give evidence
News, Royal Commission
Listen Earlier this morning, FPDN CEO Damian Griffis delivered a Statement to the United Nations Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review of Australia (UPR) via weblink. Damian spoke to the very serious concerns on the increasing incarceration of First Nations people with disability in Australian prisons and the lack of progress made to implement Australia’s previous UPR voluntary commitment to address the indefinite detention without conviction of people with disability in the criminal justice system,
Listen 8 October 2020 People with disability and our representative organisations are campaigning for legislation to protect the confidentiality of people telling their stories to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability. The Royal Commission has now been running for over a year without full protection for the privacy of people with disability who want to make submissions. If we are not able to provide information to the Disability Royal Commission in
News, Royal Commission
Listen29 September 2020 FPDN CEO Damian Griffis presented a submission today to the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme inquiry into the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission on specific issues relating to our community, whilst raising some overarching concerns about the structure and mandate of the Commission. Click on the button below to read the submission. Read the submission
ListenThe First Peoples Disability Network has told the Disability Royal Commission that COVID-19 exacerbated already existing issues of food insecurity, poverty and lack of access to services. By Keira Jenkins Source: NITV News 20 AUG 2020  While the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated poverty, food insecurity, and a lack of support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, First Peoples Disability Network (FPDN) told the Royal Commission on Thursday, these issues are faced in Indigenous communities every
Coronavirus, News, Royal Commission
Listen Source RN Breakfast with Fran Kelly Duration: 10min 51sec Broadcast: Mon 3 Aug 2020, 8:15am A key Indigenous group is disappointed that disability has not been included in the 16 new Closing the Gap targets. In an historic new partnership between government and Indigenous organisations, the Closing the Gap program is undergoing a major reset. While disability is a significant issue in health, education, justice and employment, it hasn’t been included as a target. Guest: Damien
ListenSource ABC News By disability affairs reporter Nas Campanella View on the ABC website here After a serious car accident 10 years ago, Dinesh Palipana was told he would have to drastically reconsider his dreams, and that his quality of life would never be the same. Key points: Dr Dinesh Palipana had trouble securing employment that was otherwise guaranteed to medical graduates in Australia because he had a spinal cord injury He is making a submission
News, Royal Commission
ListenThank you to the Committee for the opportunity to represent the views of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability at today’s hearing.  My name is Damian Griffis, I am the CEO of the First Peoples Disability Network.  The First Peoples Disability Networks is a national organisation representing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disabilities and their families.  We can trace our origins to a gathering of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Coronavirus, News
ListenFPDN CEO Damian Griffis yarns with 3KND Kool N Deadly specialist Journalist Natasha Ferre about the amazing work that FPDN are doing with mob and about The Disability Royal Commission that seeks information to prevent violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of First Nations people with disability. Click to listen to the interview Source: 3KND Kool N Deadly Standing Strong Together 2 July 2020    
Featured, News, Royal Commission
Listen Media Release 23 June 2020  | Source: Blind Citizens Australia After twenty-five years of campaigning, people who are blind or vision-impaired will finally be able to enjoy television with family and friends when Audio Description (AD) is launched by Australia’s public broadcasters, the ABC and SBS, on 28 June. AD is a verbal narration which describes actions, scenery, costumes and other visual elements to make television accessible to people who are blind or vision
Listen By Geraldine Doogue on Saturday Extra Source: ABC Radio National, 20 June 2020 Australian black deaths in custody will be reduced if the number of indigenous people in prison is reduced. We look at a preventative program that’s been proven to work, Justice Reinvest; and hear why disability is such a significant factor in why people end up in custody, and how they fare there. Guests: Sarah Hopkins, managing solicitor with the NSW Aboriginal
ListenSource: The Drum By Elly Duncan 18 June 2020 Key points: Author Kay Kerr rewrote her novel after being diagnosed with autism as an adult Advocates are calling for greater representation of autism in literature and pop culture They say the diversity of people on the spectrum needs to be considered For Kay Kerr, it was a trip to New York City that was the tipping point. “I was completely overwhelmed by the sensory input from
ListenFPDN CEO DAMIAN GRIFFIS SPEAKS TO THE WIRE DISABILITY ROYAL COMMISSION SEEKING INSIGHTS AND EXPERTISE FROM DISABLED FIRST NATIONS PEOPLE    Click the icon to Listen on The Wire 10 June 2020 Source: The Wire On Tuesday the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability released another issues paper which is specifically seeking information about the experiences of First Nations people with disabilities. With growing global attention on racial inequality,
News, Royal Commission
ListenAs Closing the Gap targets are ‘refreshed’ peak bodies and organisations are calling for a commitment reducing imprisonment rates of Indigenous people, with a focus on addressing mental health and disability. By Keira Jenkins Source: NITV News 10 June 2020 Image: People hold up placards at a Black Lives Matter protest in Adelaide (AFP) ‘Disability Criminalised’ First Peoples Disability Network CEO Damian Griffis agreed, saying the mental health sector needs to be better resourced in Australia.
ListenThe latest issues paper released by the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability seeks information about the experiences of First Nations people with disability. Data shows that a disproportionate number of First Nations people live with a disability or some form of long term health condition. Previous studies and inquiries have found that compared to the general population, First Nations people with disability are more likely to: have experienced
News, Royal Commission
ListenChange the Record calls on state, territory and Commonwealth governments to commit to end Aboriginal deaths in custody in the wake of George Floyd’s death in America – which followed two fatal police shootings here in Australia late last year.  ** Change the Record has called on the Prime Minister and National Cabinet to implement five key recommendations, below. ** The Prime Minister yesterday distanced Australia from the police brutality in America, and downplayed the
Community, News
ListenFirst Peoples Disability Network Australia (FPDN) in partnership with Professor Cameron Stewart, Sydney Health Law, University of Sydney, and Professor Jackie Leach Scully, Disability Innovation Institute UNSW, have outlined necessary principles and recommendations regarding the ethical decision-making for First Peoples Living with Disability. These guidelines are specific for individuals presenting to an Intensive Care Unit and how their treatment is prioritised and managed. FPDN CEO, Damian Griffis stated “we have seen scenarios play out overseas
Coronavirus, News
ListenMedia release Internationally recognised Australian experts in the areas of human rights, bioethics and disability, have today released a Statement of Concern to emphasise key human rights principles and standards that need to underpin ethical decision-making in the context of disability and the COVID-19 pandemic. There are much greater risks from the COVID-19 pandemic for people with disability, in particular, for older people with disability, First Peoples with disability, people with intellectual or psychosocial disability,
Coronavirus, News
Listen14 April 2020 Packages containing essential items like non-perishable foods and hygiene supplies will be provided to remote Aboriginal communities impacted by COVID-19 measures as part of a coordinated assistance effort by the NSW Government and NSW Aboriginal Land Council (NSWALC). Aboriginal Affairs NSW Head Lil Gordon said the first tranche of packages – approximately 500 boxes – will commence delivery over the next week and would make an immediate impact to remote communities, where
Coronavirus, News
ListenThe following principles and statement to Governments were agreed by the CDPF Executive Committee 30th March 2020 and provided to help ensure disabled people throughout the Commonwealth are not disadvantaged and have their needs met.   Principles Preamble: Human Rights are not dispensable because there is a medical emergency. Indeed, the need to protect and ensure that all disabled people have their full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms, and to
Coronavirus, News
Coronavirus, News
Listen With disabled First Nations Peoples having a significantly high risk of serious infection from COVID-19, the First Peoples Disability Network (FPDN) is calling for Federal, State and Territory Governments to deliver support to protect mob living with disability. Preventative measures such as social distancing and self-isolation are solutions that many First Nations communities do not have the lifestyle to adhere to. “As we know, a lot of our mobs live in overcrowded situations and
Coronavirus, News
Listen People with disability who receive the Disability Support Pension (DSP) urgently need access to the increased Coronavirus Supplement of $550 per fortnight, consistent with the Jobseeker Payment and other payments recently announced. People with disability who are in receipt of DSP are experiencing and facing additional, unforeseen costs in this time of crisis, which is causing significant levels of distress and anxiety, and only serving to further entrench DSP recipients into poverty. It is
Coronavirus, News
ListenThe First Peoples Disability Network of Australia calls for more government support to protect vulnerable members of First Nations communities in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic. By Emily Nicol Source:  NITV News 23 MAR 2020 – 1:57 PM The First Peoples Disability Network has drawn attention to the “impossible” challenges of self-isolation and social distancing faced by people with disability, in a joint statement released alongside seven other peak disability organisations late last week. The
Coronavirus, News
Listen The health and wellbeing of vulnerable members of our communities is of the highest priority to First Peoples Disability Network Australia (FPDN).  Due to the rapidly changing status of the COVID_19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, and as a preventative measure in keeping our community members and staff safe, FPDN leadership has temporarily closed our Sydney office and relocated all staff offsite. This also extends to include FPDN staff working across all states and territories. In line
Listen First Nations people with disabilities are extremely vulnerable to serious infection from COVID- 19. Federal and State Governments must deliver support to protect First Nations communities especially those with disabilities. Social distancing is almost impossible in most communities where overcrowding in housing presents an increased risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19. Self-isolation presents an additional conflict for First Nations people particularly those relying on the support of disability carers. The essential care provided to
Coronavirus, News
Listen People with disability from across Australia are calling for urgent action to make sure we are included in preparations for the current public health emergency. Eight national peak organisations have come together to outline to all levels of government, the National Disability Insurance Agency, other agencies and the private sector, about the range of concerns that people with disability have. We are disappointed that the recent Disability Reform Council and Cabinet meetings have yet
Coronavirus, News
Listen Media Release: Friday 14 February 2020 The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability will begin its next hearing at Sydney Olympic Park, Homebush on Tuesday 18 February. The hearing will investigate the access to and treatment of people with cognitive disability, including people with intellectual disability, autism and acquired brain injury, in the health system. The Chair Ronald Sackville AO QC said over the two week hearing, the
News, Royal Commission
Listen Source: The Age By Miki Perkins December 2, 2019 “Sickening” incidents of sexual violence, abuse and neglect in group homes have caused deep psychological scars for people with disabilities and their families, a hearing of the disability royal commission has been told. On Monday the royal commission into the abuse of people with disability considered if living in a group home created a greater risk that residents would be subjected to violence, abuse or exploitation.
News, Royal Commission
ListenThe FPDN Annual Report 2018-19 is an interactive document that can be downloaded here. The audited Financial Accounts are available here.
News, Publications
Listen"We have always been ‘come as you are’. The disability system in Australia is upside down in many ways" Read the story in the Guardian click here FPDN CEO Damian Griffis for IndigenousX
ListenEulogy given at the funeral service of Aunty Leila Gayle Rankine By Damian Griffis On behalf of the First Peoples Disability Network Family we offer our deepest condolences to Karruck, Karen and Becky and to Jade and John and Keir and all the family. This is another devastating blow for all of us in the FPDN family. Aunt was our matriarch and we grieve her deeply. Aunt, a proud Ngarrindjeri and Kaurna women, was present
ListenHere are some of the key concerns about Australia’s implementation of the CRPD that were highlighted by the Committee on the Convention on the Rights of People with Disability, Geneva, September 2019: That Australia must make progress to remove its interpretative declaration on Articles, 12. 17 and 18 – this is essential to ensure justice for people with disability in Australia. That Australia must address the current limitations in the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, to ensure
Listen Opinion: By El Gibbs Today is the first public sitting of the disability royal commission, or to give it its full name, the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability. This isn’t just another royal commission. It is the culmination of many years of work by disabled people to get recognition of the scale of violence against us. Disabled Peoples Organisations Australia put together some of the known data and
News, Royal Commission
Listen Click play to listen to the interview or read the full transcript below. An Australian delegation has travelled to Geneva, to highlight concerns about lack of support services for people with a disability in this country. The group is addressing the United Nations committee reviewing Australia’s progress on the rights of people with disabilities. They’ll also present the findings of a new report, with the high incarceration rates of Indigenous Australians among the key
ListenIn September, seven representatives will present a report to the U.N Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Next month a delegation of people with disability will head to Geneva to speak to the U.N about what Australia is doing and how much more it needs to do to improve the lives and experiences of people with disability in this country. The seven representatives will present a report to the U.N Committee on the
Listen We asked people with disability about their rights in an online survey to help us prepare the Civil Society Shadow Report to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Here’s what we found out. Key statistics A majority of survey respondents are unable to access the support they need (61%) 44% of respondents do not have access to the healthcare they need A majority of survey respondents believe that healthcare workers do not understand
ListenAn incident involving an Indigenous boy with a disability who was allegedly stripped naked and held in an adult watch house in Queensland is symptomatic of a broader problem, say disability advocates. Documents obtained by the ABC claim the boy – who has a neurodevelopmental disability and foetal alcohol spectrum disorder – was pinned down and stripped by officers after he expressed suicidal thoughts. He was allegedly left naked in the Brisbane watch house for days
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Rainbow Serpents by Eve Kitchener
ListenNuunaRon, a small group of artist living with disability on the Sunshine Coast using their traditional art to tell their stories of strength and resilience, have the opportunity to take their art to the world stage and share their stories at the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) this September . Click play below to view the 9 News Story on the NuunaRon Art Group preparing for their exhibition at
News, NuunaRon
ListenAustralia signed up to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities(CRPD) in 2008. This means Australia has made a commitment to protect and promote the rights of people with disability.  The main way that Australian Governments are doing this, is through the National Disability Strategy. Every four years, the Australian government has to report to the United Nations (UN) and be reviewed on what it has achieved.  A committee of independent
ListenWe are calling for Prime Minister the Hon. Scott Morrison MP, Attorney General the Hon. Christian Porter, MP, and Minister for Families and Social Services the Hon. Paul Fletcher, MP, to reconsider the appointment of the Hon. John Ryan AM and Ms Barbara Bennett PSM as Commissioners. We ask that Mr Ryan and Ms Bennett step down from the recently announced Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, and for strong provisions to
News, Royal Commission