We are calling for Prime Minister the Hon. Scott Morrison MP, Attorney General the Hon. Christian Porter, MP, and Minister for Families and Social Services the Hon. Paul Fletcher, MP, to reconsider the appointment of the Hon. John Ryan AM and Ms Barbara Bennett PSM as Commissioners. We ask that Mr Ryan and Ms Bennett step down from the recently announced Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, and for strong provisions to be put in place for all Commissioners about real, perceived and potential conflicts of interest.
We want to make sure that our Royal Commission is trusted by people with disability from across Australia, as a safe place we can tell our stories. Our concern is that two of the proposed Commissioners have very recent, extensive and significant backgrounds working for the very institutions that will be examined by the Royal Commission – state and federal public services – which is a direct and strong conflict of interest.
In addition, we want all Commissioners to fully address any and all potential, perceived or actual conflicts of interests, and be willing to step aside from hearings that involve their conflicts of interest.
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