Disabled People’s Organisations Australia (DPO Australia) welcomes Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s announcement on the formation of our Royal Commission and its Letters Patent into violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation against people with disability today, following the Government’s commitment of $527 million in the Federal Budget.
“People with disability have called for this Royal Commission for many years, due to the appalling rates of violence against us, and we look forward to the opportunities for justice, healing and prevention provided by these Terms of Reference. We are particularly happy to see that the Royal Commission will cover all people with disability in all settings and contexts,” said Matthew Bowden, Co-CEO of People with Disability Australia.
“We are glad to hear that there will be $100 million for advocacy and supports, and we are looking forward to seeing the terms of reference in full,” said Carolyn Frohmader, Executive Director of Women With Disabilities Australia.
“It’s very positive that hearings will take place around the country,” said Damian Griffis, CEO of First Peoples Disability Network. “Our people have much higher rates of disability than the general population, and we’re particularly keen to be able to tell our stories and see some healing. The Royal Commission will start to provide that.”
“We acknowledge the consultation run by Government in the lead up to the announcement and that 3700 responses were received, many of them from people with disability, including those from our communities,” said Dwayne Cranfield, CEO of the National Ethnic Disability Alliance. “We are also happy to see the commitment of States and Territories to this process.”
“DPO Australia congratulates the new Commissioners on their appointment and looks forward to working with the newly announced Commissioners to ensure our strong disability and human rights expertise is utilised,” said Matthew Bowden, Co-CEO of People with Disability Australia.
“This Royal Commission is a real step towards justice.”
The Commissioners will be lead by the Hon Ronald Sackville AO QC, and include Rhonda Galbally AC, Alastair McEwin, Andrea Mason OAM, John Ryan AM, and Barbara Bennett PSM.
Disabled People’s Organisations Australia
PO Box 666
Strawberry Hills
NSW, Australia 2012
[email protected]
Disabled People’s Organisations Australia
Disabled People’s Organisations Australia (DPO Australia) is an alliance of four national DPOs. DPOs are organisations that are led by and constituted of people with disability. The key purpose of the DPO Australia is to promote, protect and advance the human rights and freedoms of people with disability in Australia by working collaboratively on areas of shared interests, purposes and strategic priorities and opportunities. DPO Australia is made up of four national population specific and cross-disability DPOs that have been funded by the Australian Government to represent the views of people with disability and provide advice to Government/s and other stakeholders. The four DPO Australia members are First People’s Disability Network; People with Disability Australia; National Ethnic Disability Alliance and Women With Disabilities Australia.
For further information about Disabled People’s Organisation Australia (DPOA) visit: www.dpoa.org.au
- For further information about People with Disability Australia (PWDA) visit www.pwda.org.au
- For further information on First People’s Disability Network visit www.fpdn.org.au
- For further information on the National Ethnic Disability Alliance visit: www.neda.org.au
- For further information on Women With Disability Australia visit: www.wwda.org.au
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