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Jane Rosengrave recipient of the Tony Fitzgerald Memorial Award at the Australian Human Rights Awards

By December 12, 2016May 29th, 2019One Comment

Jane Rosengrave received the Tony Fitzgerald Memorial Award at the Australian Human Rights Awards 2016 on Friday.

The Tony Fitzgerald Memorial Community Award – Individual is awarded to a person with a track record in promoting and advancing human rights in the Australian community on a not-for-profit basis.

Jane Rosengrave is a proud Yorta Yorta woman and disability advocate. Jane lives with an intellectual disability and is widely respected for her fearless advocacy regarding violence against people with disability. Jane has given evidence at the Royal Commission into Institutional responses to Child Sexual Abuse, and supported others to give evidence too. Jane lived in institutions from six months old, in conditions she describes as “like a jail”. From the age of six until she turned 21, she experienced sexual abuse and emotional torment by more than one perpetrator. After leaving the institution as an adult, she went on to live in an abusive relationship for 16 years. She now has a home of her own and is “free as a bird” from those who impacted on her earlier life.

Jane’s story was featured on ABC’s Lateline recently. You can watch her story online here. Please be aware that the video could trigger issues for some people (trigger warning).

The team at FPDN congratulates Jane on this well deserved recognition of her bravery, leadership and advocacy.




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