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26 May – National Sorry Day

26 May – National Sorry Day National Sorry Day provides an opportunity for people to come together and share the journey towards healing for the Stolen Generations, their families and...

1 July – Coming of the Light

1 July – Coming of the Light The Coming of the Light is celebrated annually by Torres Strait Islander peoples. It marks the adoption of Christianity through island communities during...

d/Deafblind Awareness Week

  d/Deafblind Awareness Week is observed during the last week of June in honour of leading humanitarian Helen Keller’s birthday. The term deafblindness refers to a combination of visual and...

6 September – Indigenous Literacy Day

6 September – Indigenous Literacy Day Indigenous Literacy Day is a national celebration of culture, stories, language and literacy. This day raises awareness of the disadvantages experienced in remote communities...

27 May to 3 June – National Reconciliation Week

27 May to 3 June – National Reconciliation Week National Reconciliation Week celebrations commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey-the anniversaries of the successful 1967 Referendum and the High...

3 June – Mabo Day

3 June – Mabo Day On 3 June 1992, the High Court of Australia overturned the principle of "terra nullius" or "nobody's land" as claimed by the British when they...