Youth Koori Court (YKC) is a culturally sensitive court program located in Sydney, NSW designed to break the cycle of crime for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander offenders. Reducing recidivism in turn will reduce detention.
FPDN, in partnership with Family and Community Services ( FACS ), have developed the Koori Court Disability Inclusion Pathfinder Project supporting young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability in the NSW justice system to navigate the disability sector including the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and other services, with the support of relevant YKC stakeholders.
The program, led by Magistrate Sue Duncombe, has an informal approach and includes representation from local elders, relatives and community members to provide support for young offenders. The support program for each case typically runs for 12 months.
Over representation of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth with disabilities of all spectrums in custody needs to be addressed and at First Peoples Disability Network Australia we advocate for positive change for our young mob with disability in the justice system.