Listen  Update provide by NBN : New trial to assist with the cost of updating unmonitored medical alarms when connecting to the nbn™ broadband access network Owners of unmonitored medical alarms (autodialling devices) are set to receive further assistance during their household’s migration to services over the nbn™ broadband access network, following enhancements to NBN Co’s support for medical alarm users. The company is planning to commence a new trial with participating providers to assist users of
ListenThe FPDN Annual Report 2016-17 is an interactive document that can be downloaded here. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers please note: FPDN’s Annual Report 2016_17 contains images and names of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons who have passed and may cause sadness or distress. The audited Financial Accounts are available here.
News, Publications
ListenThe Disability Advocacy Alliance NSW joined the NSW Greens today at a rally in Redfern to urge the Government to reverse the funding cuts to disability advocacy. Melanie Marne, NSW Community Connector, FPDN spoke at the rally and said: ” Without us and other services like FPDN our  people with disability will be further marginalised and experience more disadvantage . Aboriginal people living with disability sit under the double disadvantage rule. Being born Aboriginal was considered
Listen Celebrate International Day of People with Disability with us – watch our new film, Horse Tales, about the wonderful Kelly’s Ranch inclusive riding program for kids in Tennant Creek, NT. It’s a great way to spend 4 mins of your day. If you’d like to support this program please email [email protected]
ListenINTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEOPLE WITH DISABLITY Launch of Aboriginal Our Way Planning Resource in Townsville First Peoples Disability Network recognised International Day of People with Disability with the launch of its new national planning resource for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability – The Our Way Planning Book and Video. The resource will be used nationally and was launched at the NDIA offices in Townsville on Tuesday 5 December 2017 on the traditional
Listen Eulogy given at the funeral service of Uncle Lester Bostock By Damian Griffis On behalf of myself and all of us at the First Peoples Disability Network we offer our deepest condolences to Aunty Phemie, to George, to Cheryl and Tracey, to Marley and Health, to Craig and Scott, Blake and to the whole Bostock clan.  I also want to offer my deepest condolences to Aunty Maureen in particular, your devotion to this great
ListenVALE UNCLE LESTER BOSTOCK OAM Uncle Lester Bostock OAM passed away peacefully last Thursday morning. Lester Bostock was a proud Bundjalung man and a leader of the Aboriginal disability movement and pioneer of Aboriginal film-making and media. He was a central figure of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Rights movement in the 1960s and 1970s. Uncle Lester paved the way for many Aboriginal journalists and filmmakers. He was a founding member of Black Theatre
Listen OUR WAY PLANNING  NDIS READINESS FRIDAY 10 NOVEMBER 10:30AM TO 3:30PM SKYLINE EVENTS CENTRE RYDGES SOUTH PARK, ADELAIDE SA Come and hear from First Peoples Disability Network (FPDN) All Community and service providers welcome AGENDA Set the Scene, FPDN Work – June Riemer, Deputy CEO FPDN Living Our Ways Research Narrative – Scott Avery Our Way Planning Tool – Paul Constable-Calcott NDIS – Community Engagement Of cers Aboriginal Service Sector – Organisational Opportunities Information,
ListenMy name is Sereako Treloggen, I was born on Thursday Island, I am a proud descendant of the Ugaram le from the Magaran tribe. I was born with a disability called Cerebral Palsy, caused when the umbilical cord got wrapped around my neck during my birth and cut oxygen off to my brain. My family couldn’t look after me, they didn’t know how to handle my disability.  My great grandparents knew a couple that had a
Listen The newly formed FPDN ELDA‘s (Elders Living with Disability Australia) caretaker council met on Thursday 21 September in Alice Springs, NT. The Elders came to support the ‘Living our Ways’ research program which actively seeks the knowledge and voices of the national ELDA council, formed with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living with disability. A key issue raised by the ELDA council is the important of genuine and ongoing community consultation on all traditional lands.
ListenIn celebration of NAIDOC (National Aboriginal and Islander Day Observance Committee) week, the Australian Paralympic Committee (APC) and First Peoples Disability Network Australia (FPDN) have recognised national Indigenous Paralympians with the unveiling of new plaques on the Indigenous Paralympian honour board at the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence, in Sydney, on 6 July. The celebration acknowledged the exceptional achievements of the two Indigenous athletes who represented Australia at the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games, cyclist Amanda Reid
Listen   On Wednesday 7 June 2017, 15 blind or vision impaired Aboriginal people from across Australia met on Gadigal land in Sydney for the inaugural Aboriginal Blind Persons Gathering. First Peoples Disability Network (FPDN), the peak organisation of and for First Peoples with disability convened the meeting in partnership with Blind Citizens Australia. The historic gathering was the first of its kind in Australia and discussions commenced regarding the formation of an Aboriginal Blind
ListenOn Friday First Peoples Disability Network was honoured to host a community gathering to discuss disability, services and supports and the NDIS in the community. It was wonderful to have social justice commissioner, June Oscar in attendance to speak alongside FPDN CEO Damian Griffis. The meeting brought together some of the Elders and community members living with disability. It was a day of robust conversation which culminated in the development of the Barkly FPDN advisory group.    
Listen 163 Civil Society Organisations call on Prime Minister to announce a Royal Commission into Disability Violence Disabled People’s Organisations Australia (DPO Australia) along with 163 civil society organisations, and 383 individuals have written to Prime Minister Turnbull calling for a Royal Commission into violence and abuse against people with disability, as was recommended by the Senate Inquiry two years ago. A diverse group of organisations from across Australia signed the statement, including peak bodies, disability
Listen  Today 15 blind or vision impaired Aboriginal people from across Australia will meet on Gadigal land in Sydney for the inaugural Aboriginal Blind Persons Gathering. First Peoples Disability Network (FPDN), the peak organisation of and for First Peoples with disability has convened the meeting in partnership with Blind Citizens Australia. The historic gathering is the first of its kind in Australia and the intention is to commence discussions leading to the formation of an
ListenFirst Nations leaders came together in May 2017 at Uluru for the the First Nations National Constitutional Convention. The statement issued at the end of the gathering was read out by Professor Megan Davis and was subsequently published and distributed. FPDN acknowledges the tireless work of many First Peoples over a long period of time many to bring this about. You can read the statement here: ULURU STATEMENT FROM THE HEART We, gathered at the 2017 National
Listen  The First Peoples Living Our Way Conference hosted by the national peak organisation, First Peoples Disability Network (FPDN) is underway in Wagga Wagga today. The conference brings together people with wide ranging expertise to the regional NSW centre of Wagga Wagga and provides an opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability to discuss the roll out of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and the broader changes to the disability sector,
ListenThe First Peoples Living Our Way Conference begins in Wagga Wagga on Tuesday 23 May. The conference, coordinated by FPDN, runs from Tuesday to Thursday and provides an opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability and their families to share their experiences and to learn more about the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and the changing disability sector. FPDN is governed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability. Keep up
Listen                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The Redfern Statement DISABILITY WORKSHOP COMMUNIQUE                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2 May 2017 Sydney On 2 May 2017 the first of the Redfern Statement alliance workshops was held on the land of the Gadigal People of the Eora Nation. We were welcomed to Gadigal land by Ms Yvonne Weldon. We acknowledged the traditional owners of the Gadigal lands, and paid our respects to Elders past and present. The Redfern Statement workshop was hosted by the First Peoples
ListenRegistrations are closing soon for FPDN First Peoples Living Our Way Conference in Wagga Wagga on 22, 23 and 24 May 2017. For more details and to register click here. The Conference Program – First Peoples Living Our Way is available to review.
ListenFPDN welcomes the announcement in last night’s Federal Budget to increase the Medicare levy by 0.5% in order to ensure that the National Disability Insurance Scheme is fully funded. This provides funding security for this once in a generation national reform. The Government has allocated $209.0 million to establish an independent NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission to oversee the quality of NDIS providers and enforce the rights of participants, which is another positive inclusion in last
Listen Disabled People’s Organisations Australia (DPO Australia) welcomes some big wins for people with disability in tonight’s Federal Government Budget, but is very concerned by the punitive approach to welfare support that will make life harder for those doing it tough, including people with disability. “We are extremely pleased to hear that an increase in the Medicare levy will fully fund the National Disability Insurance Scheme and finally guarantee the support needs of people with
ListenThe first of the Redfern Statement alliance’s workshops will be held on 2 May in Sydney. The Redfern Statement workshop is being coordinated by FPDN in collaboration with The Congress of Australia’s First Peoples. Representatives from national First Nations and Disability peak organisations will be attending alongside representatives from the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet and the Department of Social Services. The Hon. Jane Prentice MP, Assistant Minister for Social Services and Disability Services, will
Listen On 23, 24 and 25 May 2017 FPDN is hosting a conference for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability. Community members and service providers are also welcome. Sponsorship is available for First Peoples with disability. Download the flyer here: Living Our Way Conference Flyer Register at The conference program is available here: Conference Program – First Peoples Living Our Way      
Listen FPDN’s Sydney Office is relocating. We will be moving out of our Redfern office on 31 March 2017, relocating during April and opening a new Sydney office in mid May 2017. Staff are available on email and mobile phones as usual during this transition. Contact us: [email protected]
Listen  DPO AUSTRALIA MEDIA RELEASE Disability groups renew call for Royal Commission into violence against people with disability Tonight’s ABC Four Corners report, ‘Fighting the System’ exposed more evidence of the appalling levels of violence and abuse against people with disability in Australia. This is only the tip of the iceberg. In light of the graphic and disturbing cases revealed this evening, Disabled People’s Organisations Australia (DPO Australia), calls on the Federal Government to reconsider
Gayle Rankine
ListenToday we pay tribute to the women in our communities. We recognise their strength and resilience, their guidance and wisdom, their love and compassion. Today we recognise International Women’s Day and we will continue to fight for women’s rights every day.
ListenNSW: If you are interested in attending a ‘Getting Prepared’ workshop in your area you can review upcoming events on our website here.
Listen MEDIA RELEASE 3 March 2017 Disability groups slam Government decision not to hold Royal Commission into violence and abuse Disabled People’s Organisations Australia (DPO Australia), an alliance of national peak groups of people with disability, strongly condemned the decision by the Federal Government to rule out a Royal Commission into violence and abuse against people with disability. “We are shocked and angry that the Government has ruled out holding a Royal Commission into the
ListenThe Redfern Statement leaders make the case for change – a blueprint for the future. [embedyt][/embedyt] A closed caption version is available on our Facebook page.
Listen Australia’s leading Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peaks will today demand a new relationship with government as they deliver the historic Redfern Statement direct to the Prime Minister at Parliament House.   In the lead up to today’s 9th Closing the Gap Report to Parliament, the leaders will call on the Prime Minister to support the historic Redfern Statement, a road map to better address the appalling disadvantage gap between Australia’s First Peoples and
ListenFirst Peoples Disability Network’s  leadership and staff are in Canberra today for the Redfern Statement Breakfast with the Prime Minister and will then attend the PM’s Closing the Gap address. This morning, the Redfern Statement was presented to Prime Minister Turnbull and Aboriginal leaders stood together calling on the PM to work with us because #WeHaveTheSolutions. The Redfern Statement is an historic document that was launched in the lead up to the 2016 Federal Election.  
Listen MEDIA RELEASE 13 February 2017 Don’t fund the NDIS with cuts to social services and childcare Disabled People’s Organisations Australia (DPO Australia), is alarmed and concerned that the Federal Government is linking budget cuts in the Omnibus Bill, now before the Senate, with funding for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).“We are shocked and troubled about this announcement from Treasurer Scott Morrison that once again links cuts to social security with funding for the
Listen MEDIA RELEASE 20 December 2016 Expertise of people with disability vital to the Board of the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) A diverse partnership of 37 representative organisations of people with disability, disability advocacy organisations and disability peak bodies are calling for the 2017 Board of the NDIA to ensure strong representation of people with disability.  The partner organisations made their call as part of a Civil Society NDIS Statement directed to the Council of Australian
Lester Bostock
ListenUncle Lester Bostock was awarded honorary doctorate on Friday 9 December by AFTRS. Lester Bostock is a leader of the Aboriginal disability movement and Aboriginal film-making and media. AFTRS released the following statement after the ceremony: Lester Bostock, a pioneer of Indigenous media in Australia, and Academy-Award®-winning sound designer David White, have been named recipients of the Australian Film Television and Radio School’s Honorary Degree (Doctor of Arts). As Honorary Degree recipients, Lester Bostock and David
ListenJane Rosengrave received the Tony Fitzgerald Memorial Award at the Australian Human Rights Awards 2016 on Friday. The Tony Fitzgerald Memorial Community Award – Individual is awarded to a person with a track record in promoting and advancing human rights in the Australian community on a not-for-profit basis. Jane Rosengrave is a proud Yorta Yorta woman and disability advocate. Jane lives with an intellectual disability and is widely respected for her fearless advocacy regarding violence against people with disability.
ListenChange The Record Coalition put out this media release today. COAG must seize opportunity for action on imprisonment and violence rates. MEDIA RELEASE: 08.12.16 The Change the Record Coalition  is urging Federal, State and Territory Governments to show leadership, and commit to developing national justice targets when COAG meets this Friday. The Prime Minister has noted that youth justice will be on the agenda and Change the Record is calling for measurable targets to be set
ListenOn Friday 2 December 2016, NSW Manager Dianne Brookes and WA coordinator, Wendy Wright attended an International Day of People with Disability event at Crown Casino, Perth.  The Hon. Donna Faragher, Minister for Planning; Disability services made an announcement regarding the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Western Australia. The Minister’s statement regarding the announcement is available online.  
Listen MEDIA RELEASE 2 December 2016 International Day of People with Disability Celebrate, Reflect, Act The 3 December each year is the United Nations International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD).  This IDPwD, Disabled People’s Organisations Australia (DPO Australia) celebrates the achievements and contributions of people with disability, reflects on our gains in creating equity and inclusion, and continues to act to make our human rights a reality. IDPwD 2016 coincides with the ten year anniversary
Listen**MEDIA RELEASE**   Criminalising disability: Federal leadership required to end the indefinite detention of people with Cognitive and Psychiatric Impairment The Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs tabled its report on the Indefinite Detention of People with Cognitive and Psychiatric Impairment Tuesday evening. The report makes 32 recommendations with a focus on law reform and coordinated policies and programs to support people with cognitive and psychiatric impairment outside the criminal justice system. Damian Griffis, CEO
Listen Our Policy and Research Director Scott Avery attending and presented at Nga Pae o te Maramatanga  – International Indigenous Research Conference at the University of Auckland. The research conference brought together Indigenous researchers and scholars from around the world to share experiences, research methods and study outcomes on issues which affect Indigenous people across the globe. Maori culture and ceremony were a feature and highlight of the four day event, of which Maori and
Listen Last night on Lateline Jonathan Hunyor, CEO of The Public Interest Advocacy Centre and our CEO, Damian Griffis, were interviewed following an update on Rosie Ann Fulton’s situation in the NT. Damian Griffis tells Lateline there is no support for Indigenous people with disabilities in the Northern Territory and the issue must be addressed immediately. While Jonathon Hunyor says jailing people with cognitive impairments is unacceptable. You can watch the video online.
ListenCongratulations to our wonderful Board member, Jane Rosengrave. Jane has just been announced as a finalist in the Australian Human Rights Awards 2016. Please see information pasted below from the Human Rights website. Congratulations to all finalists. An outstanding group of people.   Five inspiring Australians have been named finalists for the 2016 Tony Fitzgerald Memorial Community Individual Award. “We received 42 nominations from outstanding Australians, dedicated to human rights at the community level,” said Commission
Gayle Rankine
ListenAunty Gayle Rankine, Chairperson of First Peoples Disability Network has been appointed to the Government’s new National Disability and Carers Advisory Council. The Hon. Jane Prentice MP announced the new Advisory Council yesterday to coincide with the National Disability Awards. Assistant Minister for Social Services and Disability Services, Jane Prentice said the Council will provide advice to Government on issues of strategic importance at a time of major reform in the disability and carer sectors.