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27 May – 1967 Referendum

27 May – 1967 Referendum The 1967 Referendum was a landmark achievement following decades of activism by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous people, where more than 90 percent...

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National Close the Gap Day

National Close the Gap Day National Close the Gap Day is an annual event that raises awareness and seeks to close the gap with respect to life expectancy, child mortality,...

26 May – National Sorry Day

26 May – National Sorry Day National Sorry Day provides an opportunity for people to come together and share the journey towards healing for the Stolen Generations, their families and...

1 July – Coming of the Light

1 July – Coming of the Light The Coming of the Light is celebrated annually by Torres Strait Islander peoples. It marks the adoption of Christianity through island communities during...

d/Deafblind Awareness Week

  d/Deafblind Awareness Week is observed during the last week of June in honour of leading humanitarian Helen Keller’s birthday. The term deafblindness refers to a combination of visual and...