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Legal Support

LawAccess NSW

Government telephone service that provides legal information, referrals and (in some cases) advice for people who have a legal problem

1300 888 529 

Legal Aid

Civil law services and outreach

(02) 9621 4800
13-17 Kildare Road, Level 2, Suite 36-37, Kildare Court, Blacktown 2148

Western Sydney Community Legal Centre

Aboriginal legal access program, generalist law support and advice

0403 338 132

76 Rooty Hill Road, North Rooty Hill NSW

Australian Centre for Disability Law

Disability discrimination law and domestic, family and sexual violence

1800 800 708

Women’s Legal Service

Free confidential legal information, advice and referrals for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in NSW with a focus on domestic violence, sexual assault, parenting issues, family law, discrimination and victim’s support

(02) 8745 6977

Outreach at Baabayn Aboriginal Corporation – every 2nd Wednesday (2nd and 4th each month) between 9:30am – 12:00pm

Wirringa Baiya Aboriginal Women’s Legal Centre

Community legal centre for Aboriginal women, children and youth living in NSW. They provide free legal advice and representation relating to family violence

1800 686 587

Building 13, 142 Addison Road, Marrickville 2204

Aboriginal Legal Service

Gives free legal advice and provides legal representation in criminal and children’s care and protection matters

General enquiries: (02) 923 4100

Care & protection and family matters: 1800 733 233

Police/court matters: 1800 765 767

Mental Health Support

Aboriginal Counselling

Mental health service that provides intervention and therapeutic counselling for families, individuals and communities within NSW

(02) 47077989

22 Cox Avenue, Kingswood 2747


Crisis support line

13 11 14


Free and confidential 24/7 support from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander crisis support workers

13 92 76


Disability Advocacy

People with Disability Australia (PWDA)

Provide information, go to meetings with you, write letters, make phone calls and help you make complaints

1800 422 015


Support services for persons with brain injuries (specialist First Nations service)

1800 673 074

Intellectual Disability Rights Service

Service for people with intellectual or other cognitive impairment, which will help promote and protect your rights. They can provide legal assistance and advocacy support

Advocacy: (02) 9265 6300

Legal help: (02) 9265 6350

First Peoples Disability Network

Advocate for the interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability

(02) 9267 4195

Government Services


Employment services: 132 850

Indigenous call centre: 1800 136 380

3 Mount Street, Mount Druitt 2770

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

1800 800 110

8 First Avenue, Blacktown 2148

NDIS Early Childhood Partner – Lifestart (Closest to Mount Druitt)

1800 953 390

Ground Floor, 81 Henry Street, Penrith 2750

Local Area Coordinator – Uniting (Closest to Mount Druitt)

(02) 8833 0500

Suite 700, Level 7, 17 Patrick Street, Blacktown 2148

Aboriginal Services

Sydney Region Aboriginal Corporation

Indigenous disability advocacy service, community programs, referrals, mens & womens groups

(02) 4721 1536

51-57 Henry Street, Penrith 2750

Baabayn Aboriginal Corporation

Family oriented programs/groups

(02) 86086054

252 Luxford Road, Emerton 2770

Butucarbin Aboriginal Corporation

Community programs and activities

(02) 9832 7167

28 Pringle Road, Hebersham 2770

Greater Western Aboriginal Health Service

Provides specific health and specialist programs to support clients/patients in addressing their health, wellbeing needs and issues in a culturally appropriate way

(02) 9836 7300

2 Palmerston Road, Mount Druitt 2770



Aboriginal Tenants Advice and Advocacy Services

ATAAS provides advice and advocacy to Aboriginal people who are experiencing issues with their tenancy in social, community, or private housing.

(02) 9833 3314

1/78-186 Queen Street, St Marys 2760

Link Wentworth

Offers housing supports such as social housing, homelessness support, disability housing, affordable housing and support to leave family and domestic violence

(02) 4777 8000

Suite 1002, Level 1 29-57 Station Street, Penrith 2750


24 hour, 7 days per week telephone services for people who are homeless or at risk of homeless

1800 152 152


Western Sydney Tenants Services

Legal advice and advocacy for people renting in Western Sydney

(02) 8833 0933

Aboriginal Legal Service – Tenancy Advice and Advocacy Service

Legal advice and advocacy for Aboriginal people with renting problems

(02) 9833 3314

Australian Centre for Disability Law

Legal advice and advocacy for people with disability in NSW, who have domestic violence related problems with housing

1800 800 708

Domestic Violence

The Wash House

Domestic violence intake, assessment and case management, advocacy services and counselling

(02) 9677 1962

Lot 5, Kelly Close, Mt Druitt 2770

Domestic Violence Phone Line

Provides counselling and referrals

1800 656 463



24-hour national sexual assault, family and domestic violence counselling line

1800 737 732

Australian Centre for Disability Law

Domestic, family and sexual violence legal support and advice

1800 800 708

Community Centres and Charities

Graceades Community Cottage

Provides resources and programs with a focus on education, vocation, health, leisure and recreation

(02) 9628 2045

2 Rose Court, Bidwill 2770


Offers food and financial assistance, family, parenting and youth support, mental health and cross-cultural services

Food & financial assistance: (02) 8624 8600

Family, parenting & youth support: 1300 651 728

94 Kurrajong Ave, Mt Druitt 2770


Aboriginal Catholic Care Services (Aboriginal services)

Host a variety of groups, classes and other types of support

(02) 8843 2500

11 Emert Parade, Emerton 2770